UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY- Department of Mathematics


Bob Palais, Professor

Department of Mathematics - MS 261 College of Science
Utah Valley University
Orem, Utah 84058 

Office Hours: MWF 11-11:50 am, or by appointment
Office: LA 109k
Office phone: 801/863-5412
Email: Bob.Palais at uvu dot edu 

Curriculum Vita 

Recent Publications: 

DNA Diagnostics: Wittwer Lab & Center for Homogeneous DNA Analysis 

Pub Med Results 

Mathematical algorithms for high-resolution DNA melting analysis (Methods in Enzymology) 

Quantitative heteroduplex analysis (editorial) 

Quantitative heteroduplex analysis for SNP genotyping 

Involvement of multiple signalling pathways in follicular lymphoma transformation... 

Mathematics: ( Scientific Computing, Graphics, Geometry, Topology ) 

A Missing Piece ( Early Elementary Rotations, Notices of the AMS, Feb. 2014, Doceamus ) 

Differential Equations, Mechanics, and Computation ( AMS/IAS book with Richard Palais ) 

A Disorienting Look at Euler's Theorem on the Axis of a Rotation ( Am. Math. Monthly ) 

Patents and Mathematics ( Letter to the Editor, Notices of the AMS ) 

Euler's Fixed Point Theorem: The Axis of a Rotation ( JFPTA ) 

The Natural Sine and Cosine Curves which appeared in J Online Math and Applications

Pi is Wrong! which appeared in The Mathematical Intelligencer 

A Meditation on Mathematics 

Current Teaching (Spring 2022): 

Math 1050 College Algebra 

Previous Courses: 

At UVU: Math 1100 (Introduction to Calculus), Math 1220 (Calculus II), Math 4310 (Abstract Algebra), Math 4610, 4620, 6620 (Numerical Analysis)

At U of Utah: Math 6790 (The Math of DNA), MST 500 (Undergraduate Math Refresher, Master's in Science and Technology Program),Math 1210-1220-2210-90 Calculus Series Online (2004-2012), Math 547 Applied Dynamical Systems, Math 544, 642 PDEs (Undergraduate and Graduate Level), Math 560-563, Math 661-3 (Numerical Analysis, Undergraduate and Graduate Level), Math 1100 Business Calculus 

At UC Berkeley: Math H110 (Honors Linear Algebra), Math 128AB (Numerical Analysis) 


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